4 CD Series: $21.00
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Item # LMS36
“…and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jeus…”
Heb. 12: 1 – 2 KJV
Our approach to life can be successful when we undertand our place in the Fathers eyes. Knowing our position in Christ is essential to running our race and finishing with joy. Our position in heaven is not based on an occupation here on the earth, nor is it based on a comparison with other believers. An awareness of our place is only accomplished when we see ourselves as joint-heirs with Jesus. As joint-heirs with Jesus, we have a race to run and a goal to obtain through Him. When we have Jesus as our central focus we will run our race with expectancy knowing that “Wer’re Goin’ Somewhere” in God!
Part 1: Item # LM119 – Run Your Race!
Part 2: Item # LM120 – We’re Goin’ Somewhere
Part 2: Item # LM120B – Disc 2
Part 3: Item # LM113 – Living by the Unseen