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Item # LMS12
“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeepeth the law, happy is he.” Prov. 29:18 KJV
Have you ever felt like you were running your race with God not going anywhere? We’ve all felt that way at times. God has a plan already mapped out for our lives as well as the entire body of Christ. To run our race effectively, we must be aware of God’s agenda. Lack of understanding of His plan leaves us vulnerable to distraction. Satan’s ultimate goal is to blind the saints to God’s purpose for them. If satan can keep us distracted from God’s plans, he can keep us from fulfilling God’s agenda. His agenda is to fill the earth with His glory through us.
Getting on track with God’s plan.
Becoming a stable asset to God’s plans.
Finding out more of satan’s strategies to get you off track.
Finding how you will be most fulfilled.
What is the big picture on God’s calendar & much more!