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Living from the Inside Out

Item # LMS32

“…but we know that when He shall appear we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is.” 1 John 3:2 KJV

It is God’s intention to develop us as believers so that we accurately represent Jesus in the earth. For us to look like Jesus when He returns, it is imperative that we undergo a transformation of our soul. We cannot allow ourselves to be controlled by our soul or our bodies and look like Jesus. There is a renewing that can only take place as our spirit man has the dominance. We were created originally to live by the direction of our spirit man who, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, directs our soul and guides our bodies.

You will see yourself being changed into more than a normal believer as you hear topics taught such as:

The Genesis pattern for your spirit

Preparation necessary for Jesus’ return

New anointing for this era

How to live in rest

What does it mean to live from the inside out & much more!